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Expansion panels are used to show large amounts of information in a more accessible way. Each panel contains information that defaults to being hidden, but is expanded upon clicking. Most often, expansion panels are used as a group, but occasionally there may be need for a single panel.
Suggested width: 8 of 12 columns.
Collapsed (Inactive)
Expanded (Active)
Mix and match type and icon styles to create your preferred expansion panel style.
Icon Options
Icon Options
Accordions can open only one at a time, or multiple simultaneously. Ensure the correct icon is used for both the expanded and collapsed states.
Only one section can be open at a time. If a closed section is opened, the existing open section closes automatically. When a new section is opened, scroll to dock the open section at the top of the screen.
Multiple sections may be open at once. When a new section is opened, scroll to dock the open section at the top of the screen.