Tooltips are a type of dialogue that contains text explaining an element in theinterface, and are triggered on hover.
Tooltips should include only simple text, no links. Tooltips should not contain more than 200 characters. If you need more space or to include interactive text, use a Popover, which is triggered on click.
Information tooltips provide explanations for content in the interface, sometimes answering a question or providing a description there is otherwise no room to include. Information tooltips are triggered by a user hovering over an info icon or phrase.
1) Card Area
background-color: White
border: 1px solid
border-color: Gray 05
border-radius: 4px
box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px (#808080)
2) Arrow
3) Headline (optional)
style: Default Paragraph Bold
color: Navy
4) Text
style: Default Paragraph
Label hovers allow users to see the full content behind a "definition" or "label."As outlined below in the example section, you will see examples of the various label hovers used in our system.
Use cases:
Show more/Definition
1) Card Area
background-color: White
border: 1px solid
border-color: Gray 05
border-radius: 4px
box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px (#808080)
2) Arrow
3) Headline (optional)
style: Default Paragraph Bold
color: Navy
4) Text
style: Default Paragraph
background-color: Gray 01
color: Gray 06
Large data sets may include very small data points that appear as one pixel or less in your visualization, but the user still needs to reference. Because these instances are hard to access with a cursor, hover areas should include the relevant axis label.
Tooltip orientation is dependent on the placement on the chart. The default is to open below the anchor point, with a centered caret. If the anchor point is near the edge of the chart, the orientation and caret placement change accordingly.